Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Contreversy of Race in Illegal Immigration

In this article, the writer Patik Jonsson touches on the issue of race through the greater sphere of the problem of illegal immigration. Jonsson has focused the bulk of his article on the specific effects felt by Hispanics on the recent crackdown on illegal immigrants. Like many other columnists, he utilizes a flurry of statistics to help show the unfortunate situation. His research and interviews revealed the Hispanic community was suffering. He analyzes this unsettling reality through a variety of contexts and comes to the conclusion that a process of "racial profiling" has been operating under the red tape of recent immigration legislation. With an effective use of quotes and dialogue from those that he had interviewed, he is able to create a necessity. The necessity for a great change in legislation that would approach this issue from a more balanced and moderate perspective.

1 comment:

  1. Marko-
    The research looks solid here. And your view...posted yet?

    Mr. Heller

