Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Columnists Ahoy! - Illegal Immigration (Take 2)

 In this commentary, the columnist approaches the very controversial issue of state vs federal government authority through the context of illegal immigration. At the beginning of the article, the columnist acknowledges this issue and explains the potential ramifications if a concrete policy is not enforced and this is what leads him to his argument. He cites recently passed "anti-immigration" policy passed in Alabama and begins to dissect its details. After examining the situation on the ground, he then leads off into the effects this state policy will have on other states in the region. In the end, he establishes that an inconsistent stance on immigration held by individual states is a problem and is ineffective. He suggests that the federal government develop a firm stance on this issue and we "end piecemeal legislation."

The obvious flaw in his argument can be found in the relative inability of the federal government to pass any concrete laws whatsoever, let alone the proposals he calls for. The topic of illegal immigration is one that is largely personal and unique for certain people and areas. Some benefit by having easier integration and citizenship policies while others deal with the terrible conditions that go hand in hand. It is because of these mixed emotions that legislation on state and local levels are the most appropriate means of confronting this problem. More individual representation and more strength in the voice of the American people.

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