Sunday, October 30, 2011

Can cracking down on Illegal Immigration have unintended concequences ?

Illegal immigration is seen as a key reason for the growing unemployment problems in the US. Some argue that illegals take the jobs of potential American workers and damage our economy. Indeed, these arguments hold some veracity, but does cracking down on illegal immigration have its own problems?  Candice Madsen, a syndicated columnist working with channel 5 Utah (KSL), would suggest so. She examines this issue through the context of the American Agriculture Industry. From the sale of produce and goods to the labor required to do work, it plays an integral role in our economy. After interviews with the local farmers and observing trends, she found out the unfortunate truth. Despite over minimum wage job opportunities and high unemployment, farmers are suffering from a lack of labor resources. Since illegal immigrants, the base of labor in the agricultural industry have been removed, the farmers have been forced to navigate impossible government regulations and processes in order to find alternate sources for labor. What Madsen is suggesting is that the labor for these types of jobs simply will not come from unemployed Americans. Many have college degrees and are searching for higher end stable jobs. She argues, however, foreigners are more then willing to find opportunity and to take on these jobs and in the end she concludes that these new harsh policies on illegal immigrants need to be reconsidered. Madsen gains credibility by conducting several interviews and including the dialogue from those she spoke to. By constructing this feeling of desperation of the farmers, through dialogue and diction choices, she is able to fabricate and need for change.

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