Monday, September 12, 2011

News You Can Use!-Serbia shows sympathy for Kosovo amid EU talks

Original article:

With recent tensions dying down, talks between Serbia and Kosovo are fragile and ongoing. Tensions escalated near the border when the prime minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, decided to destabilize the peace in the region and place Kosovar (Albanians from Kosovo) customs officials in border posts originally occupied, and mutually agreed upon, ethnic Serbs. Kosovo has not been able to have any real authority in this region as the northern part of Kosovo, where this incident occurred, has a great ethnic Serb majority who do not support the Albanian unilateral declaration of independence. As a comprise achieved through talks, however, the Serbs allowed to set a boundary line that would have to be attended by ethnic Serbian personnel, and respond to the local Serbian governments in North Kosovo. While exterior matters triggered a halt in trade between both regions, the Northern part of Kosovo would not respond to Pristina's (the capital of Kosovo) demands and so sparked a series of roadblocks, deploying of Nato troops and personnel, and casualties. While the true reasons for this deliberate, unilateral move remain unclear, the situation is becoming more stable thanks to foreign support and the renewed talks between Serbia and Kosovo that aim to bring some sort of peace to the region.

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