Tuesday, September 20, 2011

News You Can Use II - Unrest in the Middle East


In the wake of the recent Libyan and Egyptian revolutions, the "Arab Spring" has brought scoial and political unrest  to Yemen. The president of Yemen, President Ali Abdullah Saleh, has responded to protests with a violent crackdown. Recently, the government ordered a mortar strike on a group of protestors, killing six. This has increased the death toll in Yemen since last Sunday to 60 and its has escalated tensions in the region. The main question that this issue presents is what role the United States and the UN play. There is no doubt that they have been inconsistant when they determine to intervene, recently mobilizing in Libya but leaving out the "liberation" of other countries like Bahrain and Yemen. While the Yemenese people are in fear of both Us airstrikes targeting certain terrorist groups in Yemen, it also has to keep a weary eye on its own "government".


This editorial brings in the all important issue with recent cooperation between Yemense and US armed forces to help elimante domestic al Queada branches. These are the same Yemense forces who are said to be carrying out the deadly will of Yemen's president. The author of the editorial believes that it is in US interests to continue to cooperate with the stabilizing force in the region, the standing government, to help with its overall war on terror and "mission" of spreading the ideals of peace and liberty to those in need.

Photo Analysis:

Here the bloodied hands of Yemenese women are shown after they helped wounded people along the streets find saftey. The image focuses on the chaos and desperation of the scene and the background, and the close on the hands shows that blood has ben spilled. The feeling of desperation is expertly conveyed through this image.

1 comment:

  1. Marko--
    Next step--how else to analyze the 'feeling of desperation' that is conveyed? Note appeals? arrangement? Also, be sure to consider the actual purpose. (Post image?)

    Mr. Heller
